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  • Writer's pictureRohit Verma

Why buy quinoa for enhanced health benefits?

Quinoa also known as Dalia in India is rich in fiber and protein. People often misinterpreted it as grain due to its texture. It can be used to make many dishes by mixing various other vegetables or food items or even individually. It is liked by vegans due to its richness in nutrients. It can be cooked in no time. It is seen everywhere these days like quinoa salad or quinoa protein shakes and others. It is also seen that people tend to buy quinoa very often due to its benefits.

Health benefits of Quinoa

Here are some of the benefits of including quinoa in your diet:

1. It helps in weight loss

As we know that quinoa is high in fiber and fiber makes you feel full, a person who tries to follow a proper diet for weight loss must include quinoa in their diet. It is said that quinoa is higher than other seeds and grains. One can consume approx 50 grams of quinoa daily.

2. It protects the heart

Quinoa contains soluble fiber which is a good substance for the heart. Soluble fiber includes oatmeal, fruits, and nuts which are connected to the heart. They reduce the cholesterol level which brings down the risk of heart disease. Consuming 7 to 8 grams of oats or dried beans daily will have a better result.

3. It improves your Skin

Teenagers nowadays tend to follow a skincare routine. They buy a lot of expensive products to take care of their skin. With many products come many types of chemicals that are harmful to your skin. They have some side effects on your skin. People in India buy Himalayan pink salt for soft and clear skin.

Instead of investing so much in such products, one should follow a healthy diet. Quinoa is a very good option to include in your list as it contains Vitamin B12 that interacts with other B vitamins to maintain healthy skin. Quinoa contains vitamin B3 which works as a solution to acne.

4. It helps you to fight cancer

Quinoa helps one to stand against cancer. Cancer can be cured. It is proven that eating a bowl of quinoa regularly can prevent a premature death of a person.

Quinoa contains lysine which generates energy and helps to increase the body tissues during the ongoing treatment. Consuming 3-4 bowls of quinoa results in a good healthy immune system.

5. It Enhances the digestive health

Quinoa contains high- fiber which helps you feel fuller for a longer time and keeps your digestion regular. It helps in cleaning the colon. Quinoa gets digested easily. People also buy avocados for healthy digestion.

There are many benefits to buy quinoa and it is a great source of necessary nutrients. Quinoa is not very expensive and can be affordable at times. They are easily available in the markets. Making use of such substances will prove helpful and you can see the difference if you follow it regularly.

Company Name: Zama Organics URL: tel: +91 8104965913 Address: Deonar Rd, Govandi Slums, Bhim Nagar, Govandi East Mumbai Maharashtra 400043

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