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  • Writer's pictureRohit Verma

The Positive Impact of Organic Foods on the Health and Environment.

Organic foods are termed "organic" when they are produced in a way that is free from genetic modification, chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Organic foods are not exposed to radiation or alternation. Organic food products also cover animal products and dairy products.

Organic food products are raised and grown in a particular way. Organic farmers have to follow state guidelines to label their food products 'Organic'. Organic foods have proven health and environmental benefits. Organic fruits and vegetables are loaded with minerals and nutritional benefits.

Fruits and Vegetables that you should consume 'Organic'


Cherry tomato

Green Leafy Vegetables



Bell peppers and Hot peppers

Benefits of Organic Food Products on the Health

Stronger immune system

Organic vegetables are proven to have high mineral and vitamin content compared to conventionally grown vegetables. Organic food products are grown in the most natural way possible, only using natural pesticides or fertilizers or government-approved pesticides or fertilizers. Organic food builds a strong immune system and facilitates a healthy lifestyle.

Antioxidant Content

Organic food products are rich in antioxidant properties. Organic fruits are free from foreign chemicals that diminish the nutritional value of a food product. Antioxidant properties enhance gut health and improve overall health conditions. Antioxidant elements present in organic vegetables facilitate healthy and glowing skin.

Better Overall Health

Organic food products are not processed by chemical fertilizers. It does not contain any components of hazardous chemicals and does not affect health adversely. The use of natural pesticides like green manure is used for growing organic vegetables and organic fruits. Organic food products provide better nourishment and overall improve health.

Benefits of Organic Food Products on the Environment.

Fighting the effects of global warming

Organic farming is a modern and natural method of farming that combats global warming. The minimum use of artificial pesticides or fertilizer ensures that organic food products are safer and a better option compared to conventionally grown food products. Organic farming reduces carbon dioxide levels and decelerates climate change.

Fighting Erosion

Organic farming reduces soil erosion and improves the quality of soil over time. Organic farmers do not exhaust the land through continuous cultivation which diminishes the health of the soil. Soil erosion is a serious cause that can drastically affect the food supply, land quality and human life.

Encourage Biodiversity

Organic farming enables a diverse environment, enhances the quality of the soil, reduces carbon dioxide levels and provides healthy organic food products free from chemical fertilizers. The government of India is promoting organic farming on a larger scale. Biodiversity on a farm ensures that it is free from pests, bad weather or diseases.


Organic food products have proven health benefits and environmental benefits. The organic food industry is rapidly growing and doesn't seem to slow down. Organic fruits and Organic vegetables are rich in minerals and nutrients compared to conventionally grown food products because they are free from artificial fertilizers or chemical pesticides.

Looking for a place to buy exotic vegetable? Visit the page now.

Company Name: Zama Organics URL: tel: +91 8104965913 Address: Deonar Rd, Govandi Slums, Bhim Nagar, Govandi East Mumbai Maharashtra 400043

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