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  • Writer's pictureRohit Verma

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) has surged in popularity over recent years, captivating the interest of health enthusiasts and researchers alike. This eating pattern cycles around fasting durations and eating. It is not just a trend but a practice rooted in historical and cultural traditions. Intermittent fasting offers a range of benefits, from weight loss and metabolic health to cognitive function and longevity. 

Methods Of Intermittent Fasting

1. 16/8 Method

  This method involves a 16-hour fast followed by an 8-hour eating window. For example, you can have your last meal of the day by 8 pm and then the next meal after 16 hours, which is 12 noon. Majority of the people prefer this method as they find it convenient and easy to achieve. Intermittent fasting is only effective with proper exercise routine and calorie-deficit meals. Include gut healthy foods in your meals.

2. Alternate Fasting Days

 This involves alternating between days of normal eating and days of fasting or very low-calorie intake.

3. Warrior Diet

 This involves eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables during the day and consuming one large meal in the evening, within a 4-hour eating window.

You can customize your own intermittent fasting methods whatever suits you best. 

 Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

1. Weight Loss and Fat Loss

 By limiting the eating window, it becomes easier to reduce overall calorie intake without consciously restricting calories. Intermittent fasting enhances hormone function to facilitate weight loss. It increases norepinephrine (noradrenaline), a fat-burning hormone, and enhances the release of growth hormone, which aids in fat loss and muscle gain.

 Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can result in a 3-8% reduction in body weight over 3-24 weeks, a significant amount compared to other weight loss methods.

2. Improved Metabolic Health

Intermittent fasting can improve various metabolic health markers, including insulin sensitivity, which is crucial for blood sugar management and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Fasting periods allow insulin levels to drop significantly, making it easier for the body to access stored fat and use it for energy. This can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels, improving overall metabolic health.

3. Healthy Brain Activity

Intermittent fasting develops BDNF. Increased BDNF levels are associated with improved memory, learning, and mood regulation. Additionally, intermittent fasting can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are linked to cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Add kashmiri Mamra Almonds / Badam in your snacks for an added benefit.

5. Improved Heart Health

Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve several risk factors for heart disease, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and inflammatory markers. By reducing these risk factors, intermittent fasting can significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Simplified Lifestyle

One of the underrated benefits of intermittent fasting is its simplicity. With fewer meals to plan and prepare, it can make your lifestyle easier and less stressful. This can lead to better adherence to healthy eating patterns over the long term. Include exotic vegetables in your meals. 


Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool for improving health and well-being. Its benefits extend beyond weight loss to include enhanced metabolic health, cognitive function, cellular repair, and heart health. 


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